The Ontario government wants your help to identify opportunities to grow the Agriculture, Aquaculture and Food Processing sector in Northern Ontario. Tell us your ideas on how industry and government can work together to drive growth of the sector.
The Growth Plan for Northern Ontario identified the Agriculture, Aquaculture and Food Processing sector as one of eleven priority sectors that can contribute to the diversification and growth of the Northern Ontario economy. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) is developing a strategy for growing the sector and has posted a discussion paper to its website and to Ontario’s Environmental Registry.
Your ideas are important to the development of a strategy for the sector. First, read the discussion paper. Then, share your ideas with us in one of several ways listed below. Comments must be submitted by July 3, 2016. Participate in a facilitated stakeholder meeting where you can provide a group response to specific questions.
Provide your comments in writing:
1. On-line to Ontario’s Environmental Registry
(Registry Number 012-7458).
Use the ‘submit comment’ button down the right hand side of the screen.
2. By e-mail to
3. By delivery to any OMAFRA office (addressed to the Economic Development Policy Branch, OMAFRA)
4. By mail/courier to:
Economic Development Policy Branch
1 Stone Road West, 2nd Floor NE
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2
5. By Fax: (519) 826-4328 (addressed to the Eco-nomic Development Policy Branch, OMAFRA)
OMAFRA will develop a strategy for the Agriculture, Aqua-culture and Food Processing sector based on the ideas generated at meetings and comments submitted to the ministry by July 3, 2016. The strategy, along with other plans and strategies for Northern Ontario, can be expected to drive policies, programs and investments in Northern Ontario over the next 20 years. In addition, OMAFRA will follow up with willing proponents on promising opportunities to understand how the government can help them move forward with their plans.
If you have any questions, please contact Rudy Buitenhuis ( or 807-475-1214) or e-mail