The Sustainable New Agri-Food Products and Productivity (SNAPP) Program supports Northern Ontario agriculture and food producers, businesses, collaborations, communities and First Nations to create new products, enhance abilities for season extension, enhance productivity, and adopt clean technology to support improved environmental performance while fostering growth.
Intake 5: Applications to the Sustainable New Agri-Food Products and Productivity (SNAPP) grant program will be accepted from February 11th – March 29th, 2019.
Please note that only a limited number of projects will receive funding for this intake. Because of this, we ask that applicants contact their Regional Program Coordinator (contact info below) to obtain an application form. All projects must be completed by December 31st, 2019.
For more information contact Andrea Habinski, contact for Thunder Bay/ Rainy River/Kenora (Northwest) of the Cloverbelt Local Food Co-Op at (807) 738-7761 or