Wildlife Damage to Crops

The following is a letter from Mark Kunkel, OFA Director Northern Ontario.
You can contact Mark directly at mark.kunkel@ofa.on.ca or
(705) 724-2594.


At the various farm meetings across the north I have attended over the last few months the issue of wildlife damage to crops has been a regular topic of discussion. Resolutions were passed at both Northern Caucus and OFA convention to pursue the issue with government. While past estimates from various sources indicate the damage is significant province wide, the situation in the North is evolving and we need some indication now as to what the real situation is.

We need to hear from individual farmers as to the challenges you are facing.  To this end we have created a wildlife damage survey on www.farmnorth.comYou can complete it online, or send by email or regular mail to NOFIA or myself.  If you are able to provide pictures so much the better.

 If we are able to obtain a wildlife damage profile this season for each district we will be in a much better position to develop and present proposals to government.

Please spread the message through your local groups and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mark Kunkel
OFA Director Northern Ontario
(705) 724-2594

Completed surveys can be sent to:
NOFIA (Northern Ontario Farm Innovation Alliance)
PO Box 2976, New Liskeard, ON  P0J 1P0


Note: To access the survey, go to www.farmnorth.com and scroll down the Home page to the link for OFA Wildlife Damage Survey.

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