Grow Revolution MD Alfalfa! Dr. Tarlok Singh Sahota CCA

Grow Revolution MD Alfalfa!
Dr. Tarlok Singh Sahota CCA

Revolution MD is an alfalfa variety from the DSV-Northstar Company. It is touted by the
company as a revolutionary new alfalfa for maximum digestibility. The company claims
following qualities in Revolution MD:
 High RFQ (Relative Forage Quality) rating and rate of digestion
 Large leaf area with an increased leaf to stem ratio
 Outstanding disease and pest resistance package
 Excellent winter hardiness combined with high yield potential
Revolution MD (sold as L-447 HD in USA) was Grand Champion in the haylage division at the
World Dairy Expo’s World Forage Analysis Superbowl in Wisconsin. It was also GRAND
Champion in the ‘Quality Counts’ Division for fastest rate of Digestibility of all Hay/Haylage
This is a revolutionary non-GMO alfalfa bred with the goal of maximum digestibility and RFQ.
It has exceptional forage quality, even during periods of delayed harvest. This is DSV-
Northstar’s first alfalfa to carry MD (Max-Digest) designation. This high performance alfalfa is
for producers seeking increased forage digestibility to increase milk and beef yields. 
LUARS tested Revolution MD along with other alfalfa varieties (135, Shockwave BR, Dynasty,
Evermost and SW 4107) during 2021-2024. Averaged over all the years, Revolution MD
produced the highest dry matter yield (5,547 kg/ha) and the highest protein yield (1,176 kg/ha).
Second best variety in dry matter yield (5,174 kg/ha) and protein yield (1,083 kg/ha) was SW
4107. I would encourage Ontario producers to grow Revolution MD on their farms for better dry
matter and protein yield and ultimately for better milk and meat yields.
The information in this note, except the paragraph on LUARS, is taken from https://www.dsv- Revolution MD seed can be procured from Northstar Seed, Box 2220,
Neepawa, Manitoba, R0J 1H0, Tel: 204-476-5241.

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